I was born into a military family in Louisiana, moved to Germany, moved to Alabama and then finally ended up in Indiana at the age of 6. My mother did a lot of the parenting up until then, which caused a lot of stress on my parents' marriage. We did not grow up going to church very much; my mother tried to take me when she could. There was a lot of fighting in the home and my dad often was stressed or angry about work. I was also dealing with mean kids in school and often struggled to find genuine friends. Middle school was a very low period of time for me and I was trying to find joy in many wrong places.
I visited my grandmother one summer. She had talked to me several times about God and His judgment, how I needed to repent of my sin or else I was going to Hell. I really didn't know what she was talking about until she shared with me the gospel. She shared with me how Christ came and gave His life for me so that I would not have to go to Hell. She helped me begin to understand that I had sinned against God but God had a plan of salvation for me - to save me from the punishment of that sin. After that, I went home and asked my parents if we could start going to church regularly so I could discover who this God was and more about the plans He had for me.
We started going to Eagle Creek Community Church and began learning a lot about the Lord. During that time, our family was invited to a weekend retreat called the Great Banquet and the Awakening. These weekend retreats were where God forever changed our lives! My father, mother and I all gave our lives to Christ within 6 months; of course this dramatically changed our lives forever! I began to see a change in all of our hearts and there was finally peace in the home. We had our fights in the home but it was no longer a regular occurrence and there was not a feeling of chaos in the home.
Since I have given my life to Christ, I have learned what Solomon truly meant in Ecclesiastes 12:13, that mankind's whole duty is to fear the Lord and keep His commandments. I have given my life to pursuing and serving the Lord and people because I owe Him my very life! I aim each day to lead my wife, Kelley, and my kids, Olivia and Rowan, in the ways that God would have us live. I also am a staff leader with The Rock ministry at IUPUI and seek to teach students the love of God and see them become the next generation of ambassadors for Jesus Christ.
My ultimate goal in life is to give all I have to please my Lord and Savior and to share with others the truths of God in hopes that many will enter Heaven with me! God bless you and may you discover a deep and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, the One who has given His life so that you may receive eternal life!